Meet the Jury-Judges
Alexander De Becker
Professor of Labour Law, Ghent University, Belgium; President of the Belgian Society for Labour and Social Security Law; Co-Chairman of the Lab for International and Interdisciplinary Social Affairs
Andrea Grgić
Legal Officer at the European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Directorate C: Working Conditions and Social Dialogue
Christina Hiessl
Professor of Labour Law, KU Leuven, and Invited Professor of Social Security, Yonsei University of Seoul
Cristina Mihes
Head of Unit, Labour Law and Reform Unit (LABOURLAW), International Labour Organization (ILO) – United Nations
Evert Verhulp
Professor of Labour Law, University of Amsterdam
Guy Davidov
Professor and the Elias Lieberman Chair in Labour Law, The Faculty of Law, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, founding Chair of the Labour Law Research Network (LLRN)
György Kiss
Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA), Professor of Labour Law, National University of Public Service (NKE), Faculty of Political Sciences and Public Administration, Institute of Human Resources and the University of Pécs.
Bálint Rózsavölgyi
Head of Labour Judges’ Group, Civil-Labour College, European Law Adviser, Debrecen Regional Court, Hungary
Tonia Novitz
Professor of Labour Law, University of Bristol Centre for Law at Work; Chair of the steering committee for the Labour Law Research Network, LLRN
Valentina Franca
Associate Professor, PhD, Faculty of Public Administration, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia