Practical Information
Hotels nearby
We would like to recommend you some hotels nearby the Event’s location. All of them are located 5-15 minutes away from Károlyi-Csekonics Palace on foot or by public transport. Please note that the hotels indicated do not have any protocol with the University, which means that the prices you will find on the internet are the actual prices you will pay for your stay. We suggest to book your rooms through the hotels own webpage as early as possible. Generally, it is cheaper than through booking webpages.
- Danubius Hotel Erzsébet City Center (1053 Budapest, Károlyi utca 11-15.)
Distance: 5 minutes on foot
The hotel offers 10% discount when booking is made via its own website. You have to provide your email address and accept the Privacy Policy. You will see it as a pop-up window. - Equity Point Budapest (1072 Budapest, Nagy Diófa utca 25-27.)
Distance: 12 minutes by tram no. 47/49 - MEININGER Budapest Great Market Hall (1093 Budapest, Csarnok tér 2.)
Distance: 8 minutes on foot - Maverick City Lodge (1075 Budapest, Kazinczy utca 24-26.)
Distance: 15 minutes on foot - St. King 1 by Hi5 Apartments (1088 Budapest, Szentkirályi u. 1b)
Distance: 8 minutes by tram no. 47/49
Low-budget accommodation
We also recommend Airbnb flat and apartments, as there are a lot of possibilities in the city centre. Please pay attention to the location (search near to Kálvin tér)!
These are just some of the many options you can choose from. We recommend you do some research according to the number of people you are booking accommodation for and the number of days you intend to stay in Budapest and choose the best price and location. We also recommend that you look for accommodation near to Kálvin Tér (Calvin Square) which is a main transport hub very near to the Event’s location (Károlyi-Csekonics Palace – Budapest, Reviczky street 6.).
Thank you!
Public Transport
Here is everything you need to know about Budapest public transport.