LL.M. in Energy and Natural Resources Law
Purpose of the LL.M. programme:
The purpose of the postgraduate specialist LL.M. programme of LL.M. in Energy and Natural Resources Law is to provide participants with the main regulatory frameworks of energy law at international and national level as well. The training programme will give the students an insight into the world of electricity, natural gas and renewable energy regulation. It will also include the acquisition of key knowledge of international systems related to energy and of energy policy, for a more efficient use of natural resources.
Length and form of the programme:
The length of the training programme is 3 semesters, starting in the autumn semester.
This is a part-time, correspondance training, classes are held after 12 noon on Fridays and on Saturdays.
Qualification obtained on completion of the training programme: LL.M. in Energy and Natural Resources Law
Pursuant to Article 116(6) of Act CCIV of 2011 on National Higher Education, graduates of the post-graduate specialist training programme are entitled to use the title “Legum Magister” or “Master of Laws” (abbreviated as LL.M.).
Model Curriculum for LL.M. in Energy and Natural Resources Law
Tuition fee:
Tuition fee in the 1st and 2nd semester: EUR 2.000 /semester
Tuition fee in the 3rd semester: EUR 1.000 /semester
The employer may undertake the payment of the tuition fee.
To whom we recommend the training:
The training is open to all applicants who, in addition to fulfilling the admission requirements, wish to work in an energy company or at a public authority involved in the field of energy as lawyers.
Professional content of the training programme:
During the training, students will acquire the following professional competences:
● knowledge of energy law and regulation;
● acquiring knowledge on the efficient use of natural resources;
● learning the international aspects of energy law;
● learning the administrative framework of energy;
● becoming acquainted with the contracts and obligations arising in the field of energy law.
Knowledge elements, obtainable knowledge:
Participants in the specialist training programme will acquire knowledge of the main regulatory frameworks of the law of energetics and energy law at both international and national level. The training programme will give the students an insight into the world of electricity, natural gas and renewable energy regulation. The training programme will also include the acquisition of key knowledge of international systems related to energy and of energy policy, for a more efficient use of natural resources.
Conditions of admission:
● a master’s degree in law obtained in an undivided training programme and qualification in law, and
● at least intermediate (B2) level, complex, state-recognised language examination in a foreign language, or an equivalent school-leaving certificate or diploma.
Experience in the energy or environmental field is an advantage but not a requirement.
During the training programme, students can earn credits related to the fields of knowledge that are relevant to the qualification and to the main fields of knowledge:
● Foundational modules: 25 credits (basic knowledge of energy law, basic knowledge of energy policy, basic knowledge of competition law, project management)
● Core modules: 35 credits (sectoral regulation, energy contracts, public law framework of the regulation, knowledge of international energy policy, the role of energy in external relations, consumer protection, knowledge of international dispute resolution)
● Final exam consultation: teacher’s signature
Credits for the thesis: 30 credits
Application |
Deadline and method of application:
Application deadline: 15 August 2025
Applications can be submitted by e-mail, by letter or in person with a completed application form and the necessary attachments.
Place of application:
Faculty of Law of the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary Registrars Department
H-1042 Budapest, Viola u. 2-4.
e-mail: ajk.szakirany@kre.hu
Please enclose the following with your application:
● a copy of the diploma (the original diploma must be presented at the time of enrolment). In the case of a degree from a foreign higher education institution, a certified Hungarian translation of the diploma must be attached. The recognition procedure for the purpose of further studies is carried out by the University on the basis of Act C of 2011 on the Recognition of Foreign Certificates and Diplomas.
● Curriculum Vitae,
● Cover letter,
● a copy of the passport,
● a copy of your language exam certificate (the original language exam certificate must be presented at the time of enrolment)
● a copy of the bank transfer document confirming payment of the registration fee,
● a completed application form.
Registration fee:
Registration fee: EUR 50. The deadline for payment of the registration fee is the day of application.
The registration fee should be transferred to the following bank account of the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary:
Bank account details
Name of the recepient: Karoli Gaspar Egyetem
Account number: 10404089-00033906-00000001
IBAN: HU03 1040 4089 0003 3906 0000 0001
Description: Registration fee ENERGY LLM; Name of the applicant
Notification of the admission decision and enrolment information will be sent in mid-September 2024.
Please contact our colleague for more information about the training programme and on the method of application:
Viktória Rákos
Phone number:
e-mail: ajk.szakirany@kre.hu
Applications for the training programme can be submitted by e-mail or by post.
Postal address:
Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary
Faculty of Law
Continuing Education Center
H-1042 Budapest, Viola street 2-4.
FNYF/1093-3/2023. sz. OH határozat
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